30 years in the desert…,

All projects got put on hold for a couple of weeks. Seems that, after 30 years of living in Arizona, I am starting to get susceptible to the heat. While at work at my full time job training new truck drivers, on a 111 degree day, I had a VERY minor case of heat Exhaustion. Not quite heat stroke, but damn near. I have never felt anything like it before, the cotton mouth, the high heart rate, the slight dizziness. Let me tell you, firsthand, it sucks. Not to mention it took me about a week to fully recover from it. I’m finally back in the saddle where I need to be, but my projects are being held up, for the time being. The only time I’ll be able to work in my shop is in the late evenings, early mornings. So, basically, after work when I get home.

On a lighter note. One of my students is a construction site inspector. He has friends who work in the heavy metal business (railroad scrap, huge pieces of rebar, angle iron, etc….) He was extremely kind to his old trainer and was able to bring me some seriously heavy pieces of steel that will allow me to start building a blacksmith forge. THat’s a project that will be waiting until October, at the soonest. But it’s something I’m looking forward to turning my hand towards knife making and blacksmithing. THat’s about all I’ve got for now. I’m truly sorry for not having any updates these past couple of weeks. I’ll put more out, now that I’m better.


How to turn 9 hours of work….