Something New In The Works

Well, it’s been a couple of weeks since I started this website. I’ve got several projects in the fire, right now, that are coming to a boil. The first is an experiment in resin casting and bowl turning. I should have a new video posted by Wednesday 5/20. It is going to be a 3 video project. The experimental resin pour using 2 different sized molds to reduce resin waste. The second video I’ll be posting after that will be the lathe work on the bowl, which was interesting to me, because I got to use a new set of tools that I’ve never worked with before. Carbide tip cutting tools. The third video of the set, I’m finishing as I type this. It’s putting the finishing touches on the bowl and making it shine (in more ways than just polish.) So, keep your eyes open. I’ll have it up soon. Link for my Youtube page is in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Enjoy.


Another Week, Another Adventure


Just Getting Started